Linda 8th November 2017

✿ Remembrance Sunday ✿ ……………..................s$$$$s$$$$s _s$$s$$$s_______$$s______ss$$ _$______s$s___s$____________$s _$________$$__$_______ss_____$ _$$________s$$______s$s______$$ __$__________$______$________$s __s$_____s$_________s________$$$ssss$ss$s$s ___s$s____ss$_______________$$___________s$$ ____s$$_____s_______s$$$s__ss______________$$ ______s$$_________s$s###s$$_________________$$ ________s$$s______$#######s$___s$_s$_________$ ______ssssss______$s#######$s__s___s$________s$ _____$$____________$$ss#ss$s_________________s$ ____ss_________$_____ssss________s___________$s ____$_________$_____________$____s$$s___s_s$$s ____$s_______$_________$s____$_____s$s_s$$s _____$s_____s$_______sh$_____$________$ ______s$____________$e$$_____________$$ ______$_s$$ss___ss$i$s_$s_____________$ ………………….s$hssk$sss……s$____________s$ ……………………………………………s$__________$s ……………………………………………..$$s_______$$s ……………………………………………………s$$$s$s$s I am not a badge of honour I am not a racist smear I am not a fashion statement to be worn but once a year ✿ I am not glorification of conflict or of war I am not a paper ornament or a token I am more I am a loving memory of a father or son A mother, a sister or daughter each and every one ✿ I am paper or enamel I am old or shining new I am a way of saying thank you To every one of you ✿ I am a single poppy a reminder to you all That courage, faith and honour will stand where heroes fall Anon. ✿ ✿ Love Always Linda ✿